From multinational corporations to SMEs, from knowledge-based companies to production-line industries Enterprise 2.0 and Social Business initiatives are changing the way corporations work and do business. As a gathering of experts and practitioners the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT in Paris on Feb 07 & 08 2012 discusses the key challenges and success factors on how to design and implement these social initiatives and the future organization to enhance the business excellence.
As the implementation of social software within the corporations is today’s wide-spread practice in France and in Europe new and advanced models regarding a more social and collaborative organization have to be defined. The objective is to enhance the business excellence not only on the level of administrative and knowledge-based processes but the whole value chain.
To succeed the so-called Enterprise 2.0 and Social Business initiatives are still facing some critical issues: What are the drivers to enhance the overall business excellence by these new models? What are concepts for the successful social business transformation? What are the building blocks for the future organization and ecosystem? These are just a few questions that will be discussed at the upcoming Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT in Paris on Feb 07 & 08 2012.
Held yearly since 2008 the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT gathers experts and practitioners involved in the transformation towards a more social and collaborative enterprise. The two day conference is an intensive exchange of experiences and practical insights. With more than 50 speaker, 15 case studies, 12 expert discussions, 5 keynotes, an interactive roundtable session on different organisational issues and a townhall discussion on the future roadmap of the social technology the conference provides extensive and valuable information for both the experts and the beginners.
The various discussion panels are structured along the key question on “how to design the social business excellence”:
– Track “Project Excellence” with discussions about the Enterprise 2.0 project in regards to the adoption, transformation and management
– Track “Practice Excellence” with practice talks from different use scenarios like internal communications & collaboration, knowledge & information Sharing, enterprise social networking, open innovation and social CRM.
– Track “Organizational Excellence” with discussions about the future model of the organization.
Practice insights from various company show the diversity of the project challenges in this field: Allianz, France, BASF, Danone, Deutsche Bank , Deutsche Lufthansa, Lafarge, Lagardère Publicite, Lyonnaise des Eaux, Saint-Gobain, Swiss Re, Unicredit, …
The Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT is not just seen as a single-point event, but as a happening climaxing in the conference in February. Online discussions about the conference as well as topic-driven pre-conference meetups accumulate the topics already in advance to the conference. These discussions drive the preparation of the conference sessions and represent the discussion points of the interactive roundtable parts of the conference.
About the Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT
The Enterprise 2.0 SUMMIT is an event organized by Kongress Media yearly since 2008. It is set up as a highly interactive gathering of Enterprise 2.0 and Social Business experts and practitioners in Europe. Its uniqueness is its intensive exchange of experiences and the practical insights and implications presented. The upcoming event is scheduled for Feb. 07 & 08 2012 in Paris at Le Cercle National des Armées. More information:
About Kongress Media GmbH
Kongress Media GmbH is a provider of high-class business events and information services covering topics within the fields of Content & Knowledge Management, Social Web Strategies and Business Innovations. The service offerings varies from conferences to seminars to online information services with a strong focus on delivering valuable knowledge and insights for corporate decision makers. More information: